Yodie & Hans Batzke are founders of FEIVA ITINERNATIONAL MINISTRIES (FIM) based in Cairns Australia. Senior Minister Yodie Batzke oversees FIM with assistance from Pastor Hans Batzke. With a strong call on their lives to serve and minister to those who are willing to listen, Hans & Yodie have been an inspiration to many seeking to step out and serve God in their gifting's. Hans realised there was a call of God on his wife's life in preaching the gospel and so in 2013 with his love and blessings graciously supported Yodie in being ordained the Senior Minister of their church by their oversight Ps Eric Wynne (now deceased) Senior Minister and founder of Many Rivers Christian Ministry. Since 2013 Pastor Yodie with the assistance of Pastor Hans, established their international itinerate ministry and home church at the time MRCM Cairns better known as Feiva International Ministries. Pastor Yodie is an ordained minister of religion authorised to solemnize weddings in accordance to denominational covering of The Southern Cross Association of Churches.